This notice is provided on behalf of OCEAN HARBOR CASUALTY.
This Privacy Notice describes our practices for safeguarding personal information ("Privacy Policy") about policyholders insured by OCEAN HARBOR CASUALTY.
If you are a plan sponsor or group policyholder, this Privacy Notice describes our practices for safeguarding personal information about employee benefit plan participants, beneficiaries and claimants. It does not apply to you as the plan sponsor or group policyholder.
If after reading the enclosed notice you prefer that we not share certain information, there is an opt-out form at the end that you may send to us.
We at OCEAN HARBOR CASUALTY are concerned about the privacy of customers who buy insurance from us for personal, family, or household purposes. We are sending you this notice to help you understand how we may collect information about you, the type of information we may collect, and what information we may disclose about you to our Clarendon affiliates and to non-affiliated third parties. We apply the same rules to former customers that apply to current customers. We may amend our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will send our current customers our Privacy Notice annually and whenever it changes. If you no longer have a customer relationship with OCEAN HARBOR CASUALTY, we will continue to follow our Privacy Policy and practices, but you will not receive future notices from us.
Our Privacy Policy
We must collect customer information to sell our products but our most important asset is our customer's trust. Keeping customer information secure and confidential, is a top priority for all of us at OCEAN HARBOR CASUALTY. This is our Privacy Policy:
We will maintain security measures that comply with federal and state regulations to safeguard any information you share with us.
We will limit the collection and use of your information to the minimum we require to administer our business and to deliver superior service to you (which includes advising you about our products, services and other opportunities).
We will permit only authorized employees, who are trained in the proper handling of customer information, to have access to that information. Employees who violate our Privacy Policy will be subject to our normal disciplinary process.
We will not reveal your information to any non-affiliate unless we have previously informed you in disclosures or agreements, have been authorized by you, except as permitted or required by law.
We will always maintain control over the confidentiality of your information. However, we may arrange for you to receive offers from other reputable companies. These companies shall be notified that they are not permitted to retain your information unless you have specifically expressed interest in their products or services.
We will tell you in plain language, initially and at least once annually, how you may remove your name from marketing lists. At any time, you may direct us to remove your name from such lists.
Whenever we hire other organizations to provide support services, we will require them to conform to our Privacy Policy and to allow us to audit them for compliance.
For purposes of credit reporting, verification and risk management, we will exchange information about you with reputable references sources and clearinghouse services.
We will not use or share - internally or externally - you personal medical information for any purpose other than the underwriting or administration of your policy or claim, or as disclosed to you when the information is collected, or to which you consent. We may disclose health information to determine eligibility for coverage, to process claims, to prevent fraud and as authorized by you, or as otherwise permitted or required by law.
We will attempt to keep customer files complete, up-to-date and accurate. We will tell you how and where to access your account information (except when we are prohibited by law) and how to notify us about errors (which we will promptly correct).
Personal Information We may Collect and Share
The personal information we collect about you comes form the following sources:
Information we receive from you as part of the application process, such as your name, address, telephone number, social security number, e-mail address, income and assets.
Information we obtain from third parties that may include motor vehicle reports, claims reports, credit reports, property inspection reports, medical reports and other health information. We may exchange information with reputable consumer reporting agencies in connection with your application for insurance and/or renewal of such insurance. Once you are a customer, your file may also contain information connected with any claims you have had, such as a damage or loss report or a condition report of an insured property.
Information based upon our transactions and experiences with you, such as your premium payment and claims history.
Information we receive about you from other sources, such as your employer or other third parties.
Within OCEAN HARBOR CASUALTY, our companies use information about you to service or maintain your policy or contract, to process a transaction that you request, or for other purposes as permitted by law.
We will not share with our affiliates information about you if you opt out from information sharing as provided in this notice. However, by law we may still share with our Affiliates information based upon our transactions and experiences with you, such as your premium payment and claims history. If you are a customer of more than one Affiliate, and you opt out of information sharing by each of such Affiliates, you must submit an opt-out form to each of such Affiliates.
Non-Affiliated Third Parties Who May Have Access to the Information We Collect
We may disclose information about you to:
third parties with your consent or at your direction.
reputable companies that market products or services that you may be interested in, unless you opt out of information sharing as provided in this notice.
without your prior permission to non-affiliated third parties(i.e. persons or companies that are not Affiliates), as permitted by law, for example to:
- Service or maintain your policy or process a transaction that you request;
- Hospitals, doctors, laboratories, and other companies that provide information about your past or present health condition;
- Perform services or marketing on our behalf;
- Protect the confidentiality or security of our records pertaining to you, our product or service;
- Assist us in responding to your inquiries or complaints;
- Comply with legal requirements.
The non-affiliated third parties mentioned above may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Your insurance agent, broker, or agency;
- A government agency or self-regulatory organization pursuant to an examination of our records and/or practices;
- Your attorney, trustee, or anyone else who represents you in a fiduciary capacity or has a legal interest in your policy;
- Persons to whom a court requires us. by order or subpoena. to provide information;
- Third parties who perform services or marketing on our behalf, including any third party administrators;
- Claim adjusters or investigators;
- Persons or organizations that conduct actuarial or research studies, provided that no individual may be indentified in any actuarial or research study report;
- An insurance support organization or another insurer to prevent or prosecute fraud or to properly underwrite a risk or to detect criminal activity;
- Insurance rate advisory organizations;
- Consumer reporting agencies;
- Our attorneys, accountants or auditors.
How to Opt Out From Information Sharing
If you prefer that we not share certain information, please contact us. Your request will remain in effect until you notify us otherwise in writing. If you have a joint interest in one of our products, your opt-out request will also apply to the other parties in interest.
Please remember that even if you opt out, certain information may be shared with Affiliates or non-affiliated third parties, as set forth above.
How to Review and Correct Your Personal Information
If you ask in writing to send personal information from you file to you, we will honor that request, except for certain documents related to claims and lawsuits. However, we will not send you any medical information we have received about you from a doctor or other health care provider. Instead, you should contact the doctor or health care provider directly to obtain the information you seek.
We will inform you, upon your written request, whether or not a consumer report was requested, and if so, of the name and address of the consumer reporting agency that furnished the report.
If you believe any of our information about you is incorrect, please notify us in writing and we will investigate. We will correct any errors that we find. If we do not find any errors, you may file a statement with us that disputes the information in your file. We will send the correction or statement to anyone who received or will receive the original information. If you have any questions about the right of access to or correction of information in your file, please contact us at the address in the opt-out notice.
Please include your name, address, policy number, daytime phone number and the best time of day for us to call.
All correspondence and information requests should be sent to the address shown below.
If you opt out, you may not receive special offers about products and services that may be of interest to you. Please allow us approximately 30 days from our receipt to process your request. If you have any questions about the right of access to or correction of information in your file, please contact us at the address listed on the opt-out notice below.
Our Privacy Notice clearly is our commitment to you and our other customers to keep customer information secure.
Please note that your agent, broker, consultant, or advisor may have a different privacy policy.